Thursday, April 10, 2008

2008-04-10 Dr. Lillian Cassel talk. DL series

Summary in names and links
Dr. Lillian Cassel
NSDL: National Sciences Digital Library
CITIDEL Computing and Information Technology Interactive Digital Educational
5S Model
SMS Strand Map Services

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Wednesday, April 02, 2008

04-02-2008 Paws Meeting

presenter: Jennifer Lin
Topic: Moving digital libraries into the student learning space (the GetSmart Experience) 2003

6 steps of information search process.
there are some limitation in existing e-learning tools; visualization tools should be embedded in the tools.

Concept Mapping tools:
1. CMap
2. WebMap

research questions:
1. will it help improve information search by integrating CMS, digital libraries?
2. will concept map help collaboration?
3. will it increase academic performance?

how do they use concept map to improve search?
integrate the CMS with external search from digital libraries,(not very clear) how does it help in info search?

experiment results:
1. search increases
2. after deploying GetSmart, the average quizzes assessment is lower. performance is higher.
students do more studies after GetSmart introduced.
3. increase the collaboration opportunities

we don't have the tool allows students to manipulate their own content! visualize the content is suggested, may ease the complicated text structure. but we do have the self-assessment tools, which they don't. but in some sense, HCI course, higher level concepts are not easy to covered in the current design,.
--some kind of tool allows students to self organize the content is important. new tech seems much more attractive. will concept mapping be replaced by tagging?
--in their system, maybe miss some social technologies.